Checklist » Hydrocharitaceae » Najas flexilis
Last updated 5/4/2021 by David Giblin.
Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & W.L.E. Schmidt[FNA22, HC, HC2]
nodding water-nymph, slender water-nymph, wavy water-nymph

Publication: Flora Sedinensis. 382. 1824.

Origin: Native

selected vouchers: WTU

Notes: FNA22: "In habit, Najas flexilis is most similar to N. guadalupensis. When seeds are present, N. flexilis can be separated easily from the latter species by the glossy, smooth, yellowish seeds that are widest above the middle. In the northern United States and in Canada, N. flexilis is by far the most common species of Najas, although in the Ohio and surrounding areas, it is disappearing as eutrophication (depletion of oxygen from lakes) continues (W. A. Wentz and R. L. Stuckey 1971)."

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Caulinia flexilis Willd.
Najas caespitosus (Maguire) Reveal